The Grammy Award-winning singer will be joined onstage by her famous father and grandfather at Detroit’s Fisher Theatre Dec.
日本コロムビア株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長 土門 義隆、以下「当社」)は、 2024年12月6日にKANDA SQUARE ...
■エドガー・モロー(チェロ)、ミヒャエル・ザンデルリンク指揮ルツェルン交響楽団、ダヴィッド・カドゥシュ(ピアノ)/チャイコフスキー≪ロココの主題による変奏曲≫、ショパン≪チェロ・ソナタ≫ほか(ワーナー) ...
Jazz-inspired fashion, sustainable style, glass skin, cozy pajamas, a Hanukkah menorah dedicated to hostages, gluten-free ...
Laufey is being named Crossover Artist of the Year at Variety's Hitmakers event. She discusses her deep roots in jazz singing ...
Discover the best black female jazz singers ever! From Ella to Esperanza, meet 25 iconic voices that revolutionized the jazz ...