Keith Richards celebrates his birthday. During his lifetime, the Rolling Stones guitarist has done some outrageous things and ...
Curley Mays and his Fender Stratocaster toured and performed with legendary musicians but he was content to quit the road, ...
The Rolling Stones guitarist was born in 1943 in Dartford, Kent. He celebrates his 80th birthday Rather than going over his ...
It was on episode 8 of their BBC show that the 'Fab Four' recorded the tune on account of McCartney's love of movie showtunes ...
While fans of musicals know where to go when they want to see characters breaking out in song left and right, there's ...
The end of neoliberalism is the end of the classic model of celebrity, wherein the talented, pretty or charismatic are ...
「CHUNITHM NEW ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK (チュウニズムニューオリジナルサウンドトラック)」が配信スタート! CHUNITHM NEWから公開されたオリジナル楽曲が全曲収録! ボーカロイドとEDMの化学反応!? SNSで話題を呼び続けている、サツキ、吉田夜世、柊マグネタイトをはじめとする、総勢43組のクリエイターが参加!驚異の61曲収録!
Koz, 61, is joined on the 19-date tour by singer-guitarist Jonathan Butler, regular and returning vocalist Rebecca Jade, plus ...