Googleから新型映像デバイス「Chromecast with Google TV」が発売されました。同社の直販サイト「Google Store」での税込み販売価格は、通常バージョンが ...
本記事はアフィリエイトプログラムによる収益を得ています Googleが11月25日、新型のキャストデバイス「Chromecast with Google TV」の出荷を開始しまし ...
By Quentyn Kennemer, a writer who helps The Verge's readers save money by surfacing the best tech deals and presenting the ...
Unlike Chromecast, the Google TV Streamer isn't ... The streamer has an ethernet port, so you can plug it directly into your ...
With newer hardware, a refreshed form factor, and added convenience features like a built-in Ethernet port, the Streamer is ...
Compared to the last Chromecast model, the TV Streamer has doubled the available memory, quadrupled the on-device storage, upgraded the processor, and added an ethernet port for a hardwire ...