The Danville Public Library invites teens to participate in a Teen Book Club during December. The group will read and discuss the dystopian thriller "Snowglobe" by Soyoung Park. Book club will meet ...
Bloomington has no shortage of great local bookstores. Here's a breakdown of each store's unique offerings for the holiday ...
俳優・谷原章介さんが店長として月替わりでイチオシの本を紹介する「谷原書店」。今回は歴史学者・磯田道史さんの対談集『磯田道史と日本史を語ろう』(文春新書)を取り上げます。各界の碩学と縦横無尽に語り合うさまに、混迷の時代を生き抜くヒントを ...
The novelist Barbara Taylor Bradford died last week at the age of 91. Here, her long-time personal PR pays tribute to a woman ...
TWO new judges have been appointed to the Walter Scott Prize 2025 panel. The chair of judges for the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction has announced the addition of Rosamund de la Hey, who is ...
Madame! Wine Shop in Lagos will host Adam Lovell, social media influencer, this Wednesday afternoon at 5pm as he launches his ...
作家ハン・ガンさんのノーベル文学賞受賞で再び注目を集めた韓国文学。これをきっかけに韓国文学に興味を持った方も多いかも知れません。11月23・24日に東京・神保町で開かれる韓国文学のお祭り「K-BOOKフェスティバル」と、全国の書店で開 ...
Tables brimming with books stretch across the room, each stack begging to be explored. There’s a sense of contentment in the ...