Hair stylists predict the top trending hair colors of 2025, including black cherry red, mocha mousse, and a jet black.
Vibrant, long-lasting hair colour nourishes while it colors; transform your look with ammonia-free formulas that are gentle ...
Let’s talk about the wonderful world of makeup for mature skin because, age is just a number, right? When it comes to mature ...
Instead, these are hair dyes uniquely formulated for graying and meant to return you to your previously natural color.
Shop affordable at-home hair dyes to help you look your very best. Shop stylish box hair dyes from Wella, Revlon, L'Oréal and ...
They got the eye color and dark hair, but their skin tone, nose, brows, and jawline are totally different. The CW 10.I know ...
To find the best ... original hair color. Clyde Haygood, celebrity hairstylist and Pura D’or partner, agrees that it's best ...
A staple since the 1980s, it's constantly selling out thanks to its moisturizing formula and chameleon-like hue.
A staple since the 1980s, it's constantly selling out thanks to its moisturizing formula and chameleon-like hue.
おはようございます。オーガニックヘアサロン『nene hair&organic』の美容師 森本英梨です。 クリスマスや年末を前に美容室に行こうかなと考えている方も多いのではないでしょうか。 そこで今回は、今年の冬 […] ...
アフターコロナ以降、ヘアカラー市場(一般市場)は、カラートリートメントをはじめ化粧品カテゴリーが伸長を続けており、緩やかな回復基調が続いている。2024年上期も微増で推移し、通期では920億円前後になる見込みだ。昨今はカラートリートメントを中心にEC ...
~「今も未来も美しく豊かな髪へ」を提唱するHANAオーガニックから~えそらフォレスト株式会社(本社福岡県福岡市、代表取締役細田洋平)は...~「今も未来も美しく豊かな髪へ」を提唱するHANAオーガニックから~えそらフォレスト株式会社(本社福岡県福岡市 ...