From Sherpa Mom to Silky Mom, we break down the various "mom types" that the Internet has invented, and how they affect the ...
PDF Reader Pro is the ultimate tool, offering a lifetime of editing, converting, and annotating features for a one-time price ...
Scribus is a full-featured desktop publishing software, whereas Adobe Acrobat is better used as a PDF and file management ...
Though it isn't perfect, the Boox Go 6 finally turned me into an e-reader fan. I love its thin, light design and portable ...
富士経済は、国内の化粧品市場規模を前年比4.2%増の3兆2102億円と推計している。24年は渡航制限の大幅な緩和、円安進行を受けたインバウンド需要の高まりにより、市場は拡大トレンドを継続している。一方、相次ぐ値上げラッシュで「節約志向の高まり」「消費の二極化」が起こり、高価格帯と低価格帯の製品に需要が集中し、「高品質」「コスパ」のどちらか、あるいはどちらも選ぶ傾向がより強まっている。低価格帯に位置 ...
MSN による配信10 日
Adobe Document Cloud: How to use it
Adobe Document Cloud is a cloud storage service for storing and accessing PDF files remotely. It's included in Adobe's collection of tools and mobile apps for working ...