In theory, you could have 8 of these multiplexers on each of 0x70-0x77 addresses in order to control 64 of the same-I2C-addressed-part. Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source ...
array to store the I2C addressed of the 8 Multiplexers in this code Adafruit_SSD1306 Display(Display_Width, Display_Height); // define the screens we are working with to be referred to later in the ...
I am having an I2C problem communicating with TCA9548A. I have just made an FPGA code that does I2C code. I have connected it to a TCA9548A I2C MULTIPLEXER BOARD ...
But unfortunately I cannot find the libraries or example project to start using it. The libraries provided by adafruit is for arduino boards. Could anyone please direct me steps to start with so that ...