According to TPD, an elderly woman walked away from Brookshires at 4:30 p.m. towards the center of town. Police were advised that the woman had dementia.
BEXLEY, Ohio — Capital University President David Kaufman will step down from his role at the end of the school year. In an ...
Becoming only the fifth lady Oracle to join the thousand points club in Delphi Basketball history. The senior guard, Jenna ...
女優の 橋本環奈 が主演を務める連続テレビ小説「 おむすび 」(NHK総合・毎週月~土あさ8時~ほか)の第55話が、12月13日に放送される。
GREENSBORO, N.C. — A road is closed after a crash with injuries in Greensboro Thursday. Greensboro police said East Wendover ...
ニュース| 俳優の橋本環奈が主演を務める、連続テレビ小説『おむすび』(月~土 前8:00 NHK総合 ※土曜日は1週間の振り返り/月~金 前 7:30 NHK BS、BSプレミアム4K)の第55回が、13日に放送される。 今作は、“どんな困難も明るくたくましく乗り越える”をモットーとする平成時代のギャルが、人々の健康を支える栄養士となり、現代人が抱える問題を“食の知識とコミュ力”で解決しながら、目 ...
Walmart keeps rolling out more holiday deals you can score during its "Last Minute Gifts" sale. Here's what to shop during this huge holiday sale ...