From 1945 until 1987, the U.S. had an insatiable need for plutonium to fuel the country's nuclear arsenal. In the quest to maintain nuclear superiority during the Cold War, the federal government ...
We improve and protect water quality, manage and conserve water resources, and effectively manage coastal and inland shorelines to assure our state has sufficient supplies of clean water for ...
Our GIS staff build and maintain spatial datasets and applications, conduct GIS projects, and publish GIS maps in support of the agency's mission of protecting the land, air, and waters of the state.
We maintain the spatial datasets described here in order to better describe Washington's diverse natural and cultural environments. As a public service, we have made some of our data available for ...
We are committed to providing equal opportunities, resources, and access to all Washingtonians, regardless of abilities or circumstances.
Product stewardship, sometimes called Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), places the focus on producers of materials that are impactful to the waste system and environment. The idea is that ...
Climate change is increasing the uncertainty of Washington’s water supplies. Recent droughts created hardships for farmers, ranchers, small communities and aquatic species. We’re working with the ...
We work to safely manage solid, hazardous, and nuclear waste and reduce toxic chemicals in the products you use. We regulate the threats found in everyday household products and help businesses ...
Our Solid Waste Management program coordinates solid waste and recycling programs in Washington. The state is committed to reducing and recycling waste wherever possible, and safely managing what ...
Waste management in Washington relies on a working partnership between state and local governments and private-sector businesses. County governments and local health departments develop solid waste ...
What’s in My Neighborhood is a map-based search tool. Cleanup and Tank Search is text-based. Both let you filter sites by location, contaminant, cleanup status, and more. These tools also show ...
We also provide educational resources to property owners who want to drill a new well, maintain a well, or close down (decommission) an unused well. Well drillers and property owners have the ...