Chairman Stoma Industry Group (SIA Pty Ltd)- (4 years). Senior Commercial Director- Coloplast ANZ Pty Ltd (17 years). Interested in Patient Advocacy and positive health outcomes for patients.
VMO Urologist at Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, North Shore Private Hospital, Northern Beaches Hospital, Mater Hospital Director, the Yellow Spot Clinic and Yellow Spot Innovations Chief Medical ...
Advocating for consumers who suffer with incontinence to ensure their access to high quality continence. assessments and management services align with best practice and are not compromised as a ...
Founding Director - Innerstrength Health Care Geelong. Pelvic Health Physiotherapist - Innerstrength Health Care Geelong. Pelvic Health Physiotherapist - Pelvic Pain Clinic, Kardinia Health Geelong.
Chair of the CFA Physiotherapy SIG Chair of CEMANZ (Physiotherapy Clinical Education Managers of Australia and New Zealand. Evidence based practice and translation into practice of research best ...
This booklet explains how urinary and faecal incontinence can affect a person's skin. It answers common questions and offers solutions about skin care and incontinence.
A bladder diary is a record you keep of when and how much urine (wee) you passed or leaked during the day and overnight. Your health professional will use this information as part of your continence ...
This is a bowel diary specifically designed for children (paediatrics). When completed it can assist health professionals to determine any bowel function problems and if required the development of an ...
The 2011 Deloitte Access Economics report 'The Economic Impact of Incontinence in Australia' highlights the broader burden faced by the estimated 4.8 million Australians living with incontinence.
Pelvic floor muscles help to control bladder and bowel function. This fact sheet explains where the pelvic floor muscles are located in women, what causes them to weaken and how regular pelvic floor ...
This booklet talks about pelvic floor health and how it helps with bladder and bowel control, otherwise known as continence, as well as pelvic organ support and sexual function during pregnancy and ...
Many parents find toilet training their child can be challenging. This is an easy guide to help you teach your child to use the toilet in four steps.