Some good advice from Celeste Headlee in her TED Talk‘10 ways to have a better conversation’. Great for presentations.
The term ‘corporate robot’ sounds a little coarse doesn’t it?Metaphorically speaking, they do exist I’m afraid.
A clear message in a presentation is critical to its success and Molly Graham’s TED Talk shares one that many may find ...
Nancy Duarte shares a powerful perspective; “If you communicate an idea in a way that resonates, change will happen”.
There are a number of reasons why many people don’t prepare for a presentation as effectively as they may need or like to.
In her TED Talk, ‘10 ways to have a better conversation’ Celeste Headlee suggests that “Conversational competence might be ... Did you know that becoming a bold presenter and public speaker can ...
In her TED Talk, ‘10 ways to have a better conversation’ Celeste Headlee suggests that “Conversational competence might be the single most overlooked skill we fail to teach.” At Mindful Presenter we ...
There are a number of reasons why many people don’t prepare for a presentation as effectively as they may need or like to. Two of the most prevalent are time and knowledge. Every where I go most ...
There are a number of reasons why many people don’t prepare for a presentation as effectively as they may need or like to. Two of the most prevalent are time and knowledge. Every where I go most ...