On this page you will find stormwater project requirements and resources such as forms, design guidance, and templates for the Water Quality Combined Funding Program. These requirements apply for any ...
On this page you will find wastewater project funding requirements and resources for the Water Quality Combined Funding Program, including resources to help wastewater projects meet funding ...
On this page you will find nonpoint project funding requirements and resources for the Water Quality Combined Funding Program, including forms, pollutant load reduction reporting tools, and other ...
The South Lake Union neighborhood is between downtown Seattle and Lake Union. The area has a long history of industrial and commercial activities which contaminated the soil and groundwater. Currently ...
From 1945 until 1987, the U.S. had an insatiable need for plutonium to fuel the country's nuclear arsenal. In the quest to maintain nuclear superiority during the Cold War, the federal government ...
Reception, manager, and media contact information for our environmental programs, environmental offices and contact information for our cross-program resources.
Our mission is to keep Washington waters clean. Use this site to find out if a lake, stream, or marine beach near you is healthy or polluted. Learn about water cleanup plans and how we’re addressing ...
In Washington, we have a powerful law that helps state and local agencies identify potential environmental impacts that might result from proposed projects and decisions. This law is called the State ...
Our GIS staff build and maintain spatial datasets and applications, conduct GIS projects, and publish GIS maps in support of the agency's mission of protecting the land, air, and waters of the state.
We follow up on wetland mitigation sites to ensure mitigation requirements are fulfilled. Permittees are required to meet the terms and conditions of their permits, including successful implementation ...
We improve and protect water quality, manage and conserve water resources, and effectively manage coastal and inland shorelines to assure our state has sufficient supplies of clean water for ...
We are committed to providing equal opportunities, resources, and access to all Washingtonians, regardless of abilities or circumstances.