The Skins Game, once an annual highlight during the PGA Tour season, will be returning in 2025. Read more at ...
米国男子ツアーが公式インスタグラムを更新。来季にはスキンズゲームが2008年以来、17年ぶりに復活することを記すと、かつて ジャック・ニクラス 、 アーノルド・パーマー 、 リー・トレビノ 、 ファジー・ゼラー ...
The Skins Game,' a longtime Black Friday golf tradition, will be resuscitated by Pro Shop and its business partners at the ...
What used to be one of the more popular events on the golfing calendar will re-launch next year after a lengthy break.
The “silly season” event will come back on Black Friday in 2025 with an updated format and plenty of cash to be won.
日本で開催される唯一のPGAツアーの大会として2019年に創設された「ZOZOチャンピオンシップ」。初年度にタイガー・ウッズが歴史的記録となる通算82勝目を達成、2021年大会では松山英樹が母国の人々の目の前で見事な勝利を挙げるなど、日本の大勢のゴル ...
A modern version of The Skins Game is returning to Thanksgiving week. Pro Shop, the new golf media company led by “Full Swing ...
The Skins Game is set to return to Thanksgiving week in a modernized format. Pro Shop, a new golf media company led by "Full ...
A modern version of "The Skins Game" is returning to Thanksgiving week. Pro Shop, the new golf media company led by "Full ...
The Skins Game is returning with a modern look. Details are still being worked out. But the new media company Pro Shop ...
The PGA Tour is bringing back the ‘Skins Game’, a former made-for-television golf show that has not aired since 2008.