After two years of work the Xfce team have release Xfce 4.20 which amongst many other things, now has very experimental ...
Xfce is the older of the two lightweight desktops. Xfce was first developed in 1996 by Olivier Forudan. It started as an open ...
今回紹介するUbuntuのフレーバーは、Xubuntu(ズブントゥ)になります。 デスクトップ環境は、Xfceというかなり軽量なものになります。 インストール インストーラーは、Ubuntuと同様、今年の4月のリリース(Xubuntu 24.04)から新しいものに変更になっています。
じじいのボケ防止に毎日パソコンと遊んでいますが「note」の書き込みは久しぶりになります。 パソコンの設定など忘れてしまいそうなのでこまめにお家サーバのホームページにアップしています。 じじいのデスクトップパソコンのOSは「Zorin OS Core 17.2」を ...
The Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop environment can demand more from your system, which can cause slowdowns on older computers.
I guess either cockpit or xfce would have been enough, i added a script for on-demand usage of them Cockpit seemed like the more current Webmin, as a web-based interface for system administration for ...
Cinnamon is the default desktop of Linux Mint, but it's also included in lots of other distros. Release 6.4 appeared on ...
$ git clone $ docker build --rm -t welkineins/ubuntu-xfce-vnc-desktop docker-ubuntu-xfce-vnc-desktop ...
The next version of Xfce, the oldest FOSS Unix desktop environment around, is nearly ready – and should have preliminary, ...
I spent a week with the distribution and found it to be a lot of fun to use. Here's what to know about it before you dive in.