독자 여러분의 많은 관심에 힘입어 이번에는 윈도우 8.1 with Bing 버전의 특징과 차이점 위주로 살펴볼 예정이다. 운영체제는 PC 사용자라면 필수나 다름없는 소프트웨어인 만큼 가격도 만만치 ...
A simple and lightweight Python module for easily retrieving Windows' accent color, including shades, specific window chrome colors and theme. Supports Windows 8.x, 10 and 11 and doesn't require ...
Do you have a tablet or a hybrid device with Windows 8.1 that you want to use to have fun playing games? Do you first want to try some games without having to pay for them, just to get a feel of ...
During the past few events like TechEd Europe, TechEd North America or WPC and numerous discussions with customers, Microsoft has always conveyed the message that Windows 8.1 is designed ...