任天堂は音楽配信サービス「Nintendo Music」を2024年10月31日(木 ... ゲームタイトルのサウンドトラックだけでなく、“Wii”のホーム画面など懐かし ...
We probably won't flag up when every single game's soundtrack comes to Nintendo Music, but Wii Sports is a bit of a favourite round these parts. So yes, 30 music tracks from Nintendo's seminal Wii ...
任天堂は11月12日、任天堂のゲーム音楽をいつでもどこでも楽しめるNintendo Switch Online加入者向けサービス「Nintendo Music(ニンテンドーミュージック ...
The new Switch Online music mobile app Nintendo Music has today been updated with 30 tracks from Wii Sports. If you boot up the app, you can now listen to songs like the game's theme, the main ...