USBシリアルをI2Cマスタに変換する基板です シリアルCOMポートを介してPCやRPI等からI2Cデバイスを制御できます I2Cデバイスの動作確認やラピッドプロトタイピングに最適です シリアルCOM変換にPL2303GL、シリアルI2C変換にSC18IM704を使用しています(V2:現行モデル ...
DO NOT CHANGE #define CH341_USB_MAX_BULK_SIZE 32 // CH341A wMaxPacketSize for ep_02 and ep_82 #define CH341_USB_MAX_INTR_SIZE 8 // CH341A wMaxPacketSize for ep_81 #define CH341_I2C_LOW_SPEED 0 // low ...
We purchased the USB-to-I2C Pro that the DLPC6401 GUI software (DLPC139 - DLPC6401 GUI Files ... slave port (GPIO_8 & GPIO_9), then is it correct that the DLPC6401 must boot from flash connected to ...
Is it possible to use a standard USB to I2C adapter and connect to the I2C pins of the amplifier for configuration using PPC3? you can connect TAS3251 with external USB to i2c adapter, but PPC3 maybe ...
In a blog post from a few years ago, [Peter Molnar] explains in detail how to wire up a physical adapter to add a USB-connected I2C interface to a system. At its core is the ATtiny85 AVR-based MCU ...
[Jesus Echavarria] sent us a link to this cute little tool that he’s built. It’s a dual USB-to-I2C-or-UART adapter, with a few more oddball features thrown in for good measure. If you were ele ...
and receives & transmits bytes with respect to the I2C payload via a bridge APB Master Interface to user registers or memory. The DB-I2C-S-APB-BRIDGE runs off the APB Master external clock input ...