Two ports not enough for your parallel hacking needs? Believe it or not, we’ve also seen a quad USB-to-serial adapter that you can put together, though it’s a considerably more complex circuit.
[Ted] has demonstrated using a common USB to serial adapter as an SDR transmitter. That’s right, using the cheap little UART adapter you’ve almost certainly got sitting in your parts bin right ...
Add or Remove Programs entry for FTDI USB Serial Converter Drivers. This is a driver pack that allows USB ports to be used to connect to Serial bus devices with a USB - Serial adapter cable.
A device that adds a serial port to a computer. It plugs into the USB port and contains one or more serial port sockets. See serial port. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other ...
Serial adapters allow serial connections to USB, Bluetooth, RS232, RS485 and other types of interfaces ... The Engineering360 SpecSearch database contains information about a number of different ...