A sure-fire way to tell that development is shifting gear: the first Ubuntu 25.04 daily builds are now available to download. Formal development on Ubuntu 25.04 ‘Plucky Puffin’ began in October, and ...
The Ubuntu 32-bit images for Docker are built the same way as the official Docker Ubuntu 64-bit images. They are based on the Ubuntu cloud images released by Canonical. For available tags please see ...
This bash script will install/configure all needed dependencies, files, etc. to run the UCTRONICS U6143_ssd1306 OLED display as of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for ARM64 on a Raspberry Pi 4. To download and ...
I found this tool: https ://github.com/utzig/lm4tools (just remove the white space between https and the url). I'm not sure if it's an official Texas Instrumeents ...
I just installed CCS 10.0.0 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64-bit (Kernel 5.4.9-24). During installation the tool promted some missing lib packages however i continued to installation. Now when i tried to run CCS ...