トリガーポイントとは、筋肉や筋膜に存在する、まるで地雷のような存在です。一見、何もないかのように見えますが、触れると鋭い痛みや不快感を引き起こします。さらに、その痛みは離れた場所にも放射し、頭痛や肩こりなどの慢性的な症状を ...
If you’ve been dealing with persistent pain limited mobility, or are simply looking for a way to take better care of your ...
We evaluated pain and trigger point (spasticity) recurrence 24 hours and 28 days after manipulation in both ... Bubnov RV, Strokan AM, Logvinchuk PV, Aleksieieva TS: Personalized monotherapy vs ...
This study will help to determine if a block within the transversus abdominis plane (TAP) will provide superior analgesic benefit to a trigger point injection as therapy for these patients. Only ...