PS4向けのMad Mimicゲームを一覧形式で紹介します。 「三國志8 REMAKE」で「三國志」の日を記念した顔CG&シナリオセットが無料配信!「火鳳燎原」アニメ版とのコラボも決定 かのかり初のコンシューマゲームで墨ちゃんとの特別な時間を堪能した「彼女、お ...
As a fun visualization, you will tag each face with an appropriate emoji next to it. You will then turn this into a game where the player needs to mimic a random emoji displayed by the computer! You ...
The Finger Mimic is a Crafting Material introduced in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. Light-pink mushroom resembling a wizened finger. Material used for crafting items. Exceedingly rare to find.
Mimic Tear Ashes is a Spirit Ash Summon in Elden Ring. Legendary ashen remains. Use to summon the spirit of a mimic tear. Summoning consumes HP rather than FP. This spirit takes the form of the ...