源は定かではない。近代英語での初出はベンジャミン・フランクリンの1736年の著書『貧しいリチャードの暦(英語版) (原題 : Poor Richard's Almanack) 』で「the rotten apple spoils his companion (腐ったリンゴは仲間も駄目にする) ...
Rylance himself was an itinerant author, in and out of mental asylums, apparently due to manic depressive disorder; he died in a private asylum in 1834. [4] The Almanack's Review of Artists who ...
Severe weather watch: The Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack sees heavy snow and high winds in December’s forecast (24-25).
Payment for this pre-order will be taken when the item becomes available ...
Almanack is an AI-powered platform that helps teachers create engaging and interactive lessons. It offers access to a wide variety of educational AI tools that facilitate both teaching and ...
Chad Merrill, weather prognosticator for J. Gruber's Hagers-Town Town and Country Almanack discusses winter outlook for ...