At The Hollywood Reporter, Image Comics have revealed “Stray Dogs,” a five-issue horror series by “My Little Pony” artists Tony Fleecs and Trish Forstner. Described as Lady and the Tramp meets Silence ...
They say there’s no such thing as a bad dog-just bad owners. STRAY DOGS is a heartbreakingly adorable suspense thriller by My Little Pony comic artists TONY FLEECS and TRISH FORSTNER. It’s Lady and ...
£8.25 was £32.99 RRP£32.99 A series of vicious short stories howling straight out of the pages of STRAY DOGS, 2021’s surprise cartoon/horror smash hit! In DOG DAYS, each stray will get their moment to ...
Based on the photos, the angry dogs trashed the car, leaving some parts of it dented. So what triggered these dogs to damage ...