ニュージャージー州バーリントン - 大手オフプライス小売業者であるBurlington Stores, Inc. (NYSE: BURL)は、2025年1月1日付けで、元Staples, Inc.のCEOであるShira Goodmanを取締役会および監査委員会のメンバーに任命したと発表しました。取締役会議長のJohn Mahoneyは、Goodman ...
BURLINGTON, N.J. - Burlington Stores, Inc. (NYSE: NYSE:BURL), a prominent off-price retailer, announced the appointment of Shira Goodman, the former CEO of Staples ...
Burlington Stores, Inc. announced today that Shira Goodman, former CEO of Staples, Inc., will join its Board of Directors and Audit Committee effective January 1, 2025. John Mahoney, Chairman of the ...
Burlington Stores, the American off-price retailer of high-quality, branded apparel, footwear, accessories, and homeware, named Shira Goodman to its board of directors. Goodman, the former chief ...