The application process to get into a private K-12 school often begins with one of the most commonly accepted entrance exams, the Secondary School Admission Test, known simply as the SSAT.
conda create --name ssat python=3.7 conda activate ssat conda install pytorch==1.5.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch # # install argoverse api pip install git ...
As the only national network specifically for high-performing schools, SSAT Leading Edge connects you to colleagues across the country, providing structured collaboration and regular insights into the ...
SSAT Member Conference 2024 is open to both SSAT members and non-members alike, but SSAT members receive a free place. There are many other benefits of SSAT membership. Embracing neurodiverse ...
This is the official pytorch code for SSAT: A Symmetric Semantic-Aware Transformer Network for Makeup Transfer and Removal, which has been accepted by AAAI-2022. Note that only trained models and test ...