An ultrasound exam (or "sonogram") is a painless diagnostic technique that makes use of how sound waves travel through the body. When sound waves pass through the body, they bounce off tissues and ...
An ultrasound scan is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to create live images from the inside the body. Also called a sonogram or sonography, ultrasounds let doctors see the body’s ...
An ultrasound, also called a sonogram, uses sound waves to produce images of soft tissues inside the body. Sound waves move through the body and based on the frequency, the signals are translated into ...
An abdominal ultrasound (or sonography) is a non-invasive way to see the organs in the abdominal cavity. Unlike other types of medical imaging tests, ultrasounds don't use ionizing radiation. Instead, ...
It shows you and your doctor an image of your uterus and the fetus. What’s an ultrasound and how is it used in pregnancy? An ultrasound — also called a sonogram — helps your doctor find out whether ...
Ultrasound close ultrasoundSound with a frequency greater than 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). waves have a frequency higher than the upper limit for human hearing – above 20,000 Hertz (Hz). Different ...
Ultrasound is widely used in the US and continental Europe in the immediate assessment of patients after blunt abdominal trauma. There are also now other recognised “primary” indications for ...
A bladder ultrasound, also known as a bladder sonogram or bladder sonography, is used to assess three major things: the ...