Brain teasers are one of the most popular puzzle games for testing one's critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
You have a high IQ if you can find the hidden word in the anagram in 5 seconds. Test your intelligence with this IQ Test now!
In the image above, a 7-letter anagram is presented before you. The challenge for you is to solve the anagram in 4 seconds! This brain teaser will test your attention to detail, intelligence and ...
The emulate option is really cool, especially when playing online anagram solving games. Go ahead and click on the anagram you are playing and watch as it plays the game for you. Eventually, it will ...
The file AnagramSolver.cs is the source code of an exhaustive, signature-based, multi-word anagram solver. Basically, it's very smol, and as such also very inefficient memory-wise. It currently ...