The dainty, star-like flowers of woodland phlox form a carpet of blooms across shade gardens in April and May. This ...
It's easy to gravitate towards showy Japanese painted ferns when shopping for shade perennials, but don't overlook our native ...
Answer: There are lots of fabulous perennials for the shade, but if I have to narrow it down to three, it is Hosta, ...
One more reason to plant perennials is the wide range of available choices. You can find species that will thrive in wet or ...
For example, you can tuck some ferns between clumps of foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia). The shade-loving ground cover with ...
What is a native plant? Native plants are indigenous to a particular region and provide an essential foundation to support wildlife habitats for native insects and birds. Well-adapted to the local ...
Native plants serve as critical sources of food and ... This plant can tolerate wet sites in either sun or partial shade. In summer, you’ll be rewarded with tall, purple flower spikes that ...