Running is one of the most popular activities people around the world can do. Whether you are doing it as a leisure activity or training for a major competition ...
Niemczyk’s advice: “Make sure to re-fuel and re-hydrate following your workout and try to get at least eight hours of sleep a ...
Swapping some of your runs for rides could do wonders for your overall running performance – and help you to bag that coveted ...
“It’s more attainable.” By Korin Miller VioletaStoimenova//Getty Images For years, doctors have stressed the importance of being active during your day—after all, research has found that sitting for ...
These expert tips for avoiding beginner runner mistakes will help you avoid the pitfalls along your path to consistency and a ...
Press pause on worries about pace or heart rate data. Early in your return, the goal is to enjoy the act of running. Forget ...
As well as being a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist, Carroll is the creator of the Running Buddy app, which offers strength training programs for runners. He also shares advice through ...
WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - The Parkway Subaru Battleship NC Half Marathon is just days away. For the past six months, WECT has followed three runners training to participate in their first half ...