“It’s more attainable.” By Korin Miller VioletaStoimenova//Getty Images For years, doctors have stressed the importance of being active during your day—after all, research has found that sitting for ...
Following a structured training plan is key to making progress, staying motivated, and avoiding overtraining or injury. Here are some tips for effectively following a training plan: By following these ...
We asked our audience on Instagram to nominate local runners in their community have a positive impact on those around them. It was exciting... Four weeks is long enough to improve your fitness and ...
Swapping some of your runs for rides could do wonders for your overall running performance – and help you to bag that coveted ...
Strength training is crucial to help runners run better and avoid injury and extra stress on the joints. Advice to improve your movement, fitness, and overall health from the world's #1 in orthopedics ...