1957年11月18日、チャック・ベリー(Chuck Berry)による必聴ロックンロール・ナンバーの一つが注目を集め始めた。キャリア初期の名曲を次々に発表して快進撃を続けていた彼はこの日、多大な影響力を誇る一曲「Rock & Roll Music」をR&Bチャートに送り込んだのだ。
Decades of unforgettable hits, classic album cuts, and killer collabs, including "Rocket Man," "Tiny Dancer," and many more ...
From floor-shaking stadium anthems to paeans to a lost past and roadmaps for a new life, here are the best songs about rock’n’roll. The piano man had grown nostalgic around the early 80s ...
According to Domino biographer Rick Coleman, on Dec. 10, 1949, Fats was backed during the six-hour recording session at ...
"We were going to do this rock and roll circus, and it was going to be three big bands ... to really show The Beatles how to do it.” ...