1957年11月18日、チャック・ベリー(Chuck Berry)による必聴ロックンロール・ナンバーの一つが注目を集め始めた。キャリア初期の名曲を次々に発表して快進撃を続けていた彼はこの日、多大な影響力を誇る一曲「Rock & Roll Music」をR&Bチャートに送り込んだのだ。
The legend of blues pioneer Robert Johnson looms large over the career of former Cream guitarist Eric Clapton, even if the ...
By the middle of the century, this exciting new style of music could be heard ... an advocate for the blues and blues artists throughout his life. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, Kennedy ...
Rock 'n' Roll is often described as the energetic lovechild of black rhythm and blues and white country music. As the blues became electrified, artists such as Joe Turner and Louis Jordan began to add ...
His rhythm and blues audience had given him such additional ... Business” and “Brown Eyed Handsome Man.” But “Rock & Roll Music” was one of those instant and irresistible hits that ...
Rock music first grew out of the rock’n’roll movement of the 1940s and 50s, which itself was inspired by country and African-American rhythm and blues from the 1920s and 30s. Even from its ...
Rock 'n' roll is a style of popular music that emerged from America in the 1950s. It has its roots in various African-American styles of music, such as blues, jazz and gospel, and in country music.