Positive organizational interventions (POIs) have emerged as popular mechanisms to facilitate the professional development and well-being of employees. These interventions draw from positive ...
Positive psychological interventions (PPIs) are criticized for being a Western-, Educated-, Industrialized-, Rich- and Democratic- (WEIRD) enterprise. The term ‘WEIRD enterprise’ reflects the ...
Another of our goals is to better understand the mechanisms of long-term psychological health in cardiac arrest survivors and whether there are interventions we can use to effect positive ...
This webinar will provide foundational information on verbal intervention, phases of de-escalation, and positive communication skills. Learn effective verbal de-escalation strategies to support ...
to inform the development of adolescent interventions that promote positive outcomes. Using the synthesised findings from two systematic reviews on adolescents, one involving physiological changes ...
positive, prevention focused, and data-based decision making. With this certificate, educators and related service personnel will be able to collaborate with other school professions to plan ...
41 Groupings of intervention types, strategies, content, format ... 29 31 Two studies both obtained positive feedback from participants. In the study that conducted the three good things ...
Background: Positive effects are reported for memory training ... Furthermore, family knowledge of memory strategies increased following intervention. There was a strong trend towards improvement in ...