この市場とその成長に影響を与えたレポートが必要ですか?PDFをダウンロード オリエンテッドストランドボード(OSB) 市場分析 指向ストランドボード(OSB)の市場は、予測期間中に4%を超えるCAGRを登録すると予想されています。OSBの望ましい特性や合板の代替品 ...
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) doesn't look as good as plywood, but the two are virtually equal in terms of structural stability ...
The benchmark price for oriented strand board, used as a base for some of the ... the largest North American maker of OSB, and Federal Way, WA-based Weyerhaeuser saw their annual sales increase ...
3-in1-function: creating airtightness, integrating a vapor barrier, and achieving the stiffening of the structure Floor-to-ceiling format for maximum flexibility in construction Optimized tongue ...
OSB, or oriented strand board, is made from wood scraps glued and pressed together. This type of wood construction is similar to fiberboard and low-quality plywood. OSB is engineered for water ...