This week we team up with Johnny aka River Raider to search a few sites that I had mapped out. As we mudlark and diver for ...
A 1990 federal law requires museums and cultural institutions to inventory remains or items thought to be funerary. But that ...
This won’t ‘end with repatriating materials — censorship of images and data is already underway,’ scholar says.
California State Universities are packed with sacred Native American artifacts. But federal and state laws mandate that they be returned to their rightful owners. Eyewitness News uncovers that ...
Digging for and stealing artifacts and remains from prehistoric Native American and historic archaeological sites is a serious issue that disrespects cultural heritage and threatens invaluable ...
A tribute to John Joseph Van Pelt, a dedicated woodworker and beloved member of St. Peter Catholic Church in Archbold.
The graves of American Indians have been desecrated from the time of the arrival of the Pilgrims to the present day. During ...
The Cape Cod Museum of Natural History will present The Cleon Crowell Native American Artifact Collection with archaeologist Dan Zoto on Monday, December 2, at 6 PM.