フェスティバルエリアはショー開演の16:00までオープンしております。 本公演は、多数のモンスタートラックによるパフォーマンスを行う、エンターテインメントです。 エンジン音・排気音・特殊効果など、非常に大きな音量を終始伴い進行致します。
Following is a transcript of the video. Narrator: This is Monster Jam, the monster truck spectacular that electrifies audiences in stadiums and arenas around the world. These drivers put their ...
According to their website, the weekend was filled with massive trucks, country music, and scantily clad ... not everyone was ...
Despite being the only woman on the London track, she said they were getting the recognition they deserve in competitive monster truck driving. Grave Digger (pictured) is one of the oldest Monster ...