The MLX90614_demo sketch demonstrates the state machine operation. The MLX90614 library is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. See LICENSE.txt for details.
The project just serves as an example to get started with the MLX90614. After the initialization of the STM32 and the HAL, there is an endless loop in which the temperature of the MLX90614 gets read ...
I'm having problems making the mlx90614 sensor give acknowledgement while using the LP-CC1312R7 launchpad with SIMPLELINK CC13XX CC26XX SDK. Two weeks trying to get ACK but the code i wrote cannot do ...
i´m using a TM4c123GH6PM Microcontroller as Master and two MLX90614 temperature sensors on the I2C bus (SMbus), To give each sensor its own unique adress, I have to power each sensor one by one on and ...