アップル製のプロ向け音楽制作アプリ「Logic Pro」を使えば、GarageBandで作成したプロジェクトの読み込みと編集にも対応している。AIを利用した「Session Player」や「Stem Splitter」と呼ばれる機能が使える。
Logic Pro X has an exciting new capability, the Scripter plug-in, which provides a way to write scripts that can manipulate and create MIDI data in realtime. There's a MIDI plugin, now, in the channel ...
This plugin mostly serves as a base to help get started with using dialogue in Logic Driver, or as an example on overloading classes in C++. Most of the dialogue implementation still needs to be done ...
They even rack up plugins that are switched off, as well as including multiple reverbs onto channel strips (as opposed to ...
Logic Pro 11.1は何が変わった? Logic Pro 11.1のアップデート内容は、以下のとおりとなっています。 Quantec Room Simulator Quantecの創立者であり発案者で ...
Anyone using Logic Pro can follow these steps and build their own chain using a combination of stock plugins available to ...
Apple's Logic Express and Logic Pro applications are unique to the world of digital audio in one important way. Instead of using the common VST or VSTi plug-in formats, they use a proprietary format ...
Although they may have been designed to look like classic pieces of hardware, and certainly taken inspiration from them, Apple’s Logic Pro plugins have traditionally been original designs rather ...
Apple today announced some minor updates to Logic Pro for both the Mac and the iPad, including the ability to search for plug-ins and sources and the addition of more analog-simulating sounds.
Wednesday's Logic Pro update also makes it possible to locate and add plugins directly from the plug-in menu or through the use of dedicated key commands. Plug-ins can now be searched by their ...
Apple has announced fresh updates to Logic Pro for Mac and iPad, introducing features that promise to streamline the music production workflow and add a new layer of creativity. The updates which ...