The latest squid and octopus imitations use advanced materials, innovative designs, holographic colors and lifelike action to ...
I definitely didn't thing I would be Vertically Jigging for Rainbow Trout at the beginning of the day, but sometimes you have to adapt and overcome, and do what you gotta do to catch some fish!
Fishing tips from Beaver Lake, Beaver tailwater, Lake Fayetteville, Lake Sequoyah, Bella Vista and other local waters.
Lake trout are denizens of the deep. For most of the year, they’re hunkered down 50 feet or more in the recesses of lakes and reservoirs, chilling out below the thermocline in colder water. To catch ...
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation reports largemouth bass at Grand Lake are biting fair on crank baits, jerk baits, plastic worms or Sassy Shads along points, rock and the mouths of creeks.