"The last few weeks has been really bad, really stressful ... Consultant dermatologist Dr Anton Alexandroff said so-called black henna was not actually henna, as natural henna should be red.
It depends on the type of henna - brown is safe, while black 'henna' is definitely not safe. Semi-permanent vegetable dyes such as henna are recommended by the NHS as a safe alternative if you do not ...
The rash had started 4 days after application of a temporary black henna tattoo while he was on a holiday in Spain. Owing to suspected cellulitis, the patient had been trialled with two oral macrolide ...
She added: "It has been noticed that large number of young girls and women are snapping up henna as it is more fashionable than the traditional red or black one. "But it is really dangerous." ...
Henna tattoo art is an ancient practice with profound cultural and spiritual significance. The intricate patterns made using ...
While pure henna is considered to be safe for the skin ... skin caused by regular henna and as well as products marketed as ...
Moreover, many pre-made 'natural' henna cones contain harmful substances like lead ... (PPD), a synthetic additive that ...
At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for henna. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be ...