I2C slaves which is having same address We developed our own board with this I2C MUX , ch0, ch1, ch2 are used for 3 slaves How would I select the particular channel to read / write data from slaves as ...
after I read the PCA9548A Spec, I know there is the register to help us control channels. when I set 7th bit and 2nd bit to on in PCA9543, are these bits on or off? if these bits are still off, I can ...
This device lets you take one I2C bus and switch it to up to 8 other I2C branches acesses TMP275 temp sensors ... each drawer: six total. On MUX channel 0.
I wanted to connect a triaxial load cell (3-dof, translational +- in xyz), so this breakout board puts 3x NAU7802 behind an I2C mux, a Texas Instruments TCA9548 8-channel mux (only channels 0, 1, 2 ...
The LTC1851 has an 8-channel input multiplexer ... Simplified block diagram shows programmable MUX, sample-and-hold and 3-pin reference interface. Input Multiplexer Handles Single-Ended or ...