Hebrew is one of the official languages of the State of Israel, as well as Arabic. Hebrew is spoken in Israel and in many Jewish communities around the world, and you are likely to find Hebrew ...
Four units must be taken and passed to gain the certificate. For students with good prior knowledge of Modern Hebrew other combinations are possible, allowing the study of language and literature at a ...
modern politics, ancient languages, or to deepen their understanding of the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud, and Jewish history from antiquity to the present. Hebrew goes back to the 2nd millennium B.C.E., ...
It has, for the entire course of its history, been inextricably linked with Judaism as the language of scripture and of Judaic culture. Modern Hebrew, the variety offered by the SOAS Language Centre, ...
Scientific and historical articles were published in the newly founded Hebrew press; poems and works of fiction were written in Hebrew slowly creating a modern Hebrew idiom appropriate for the times.
How these men, of Italian and Spanish descent, came to produce a book that would come to shape Ashkenazic culture, and Jewish culture broadly, over the next four centuries is the basis of this ...
This workbook can be used together with any elementary Biblical Hebrew grammar. It applies many of the tools of modern language acquisition to make learning the classical language an active and ...
She returns to the seventeenth-century origins of modern biblical scholarship ... and vibrant synthesis of literary and historical methodologies, Erisman illuminates the ways in which the writers of ...
His courses cover a range of topics in the literature, history, and theology of the Hebrew Bible, with attention to the history of interpretation, ancient and modern. His primary research emphases ...
This code and dataset provide an established benchmark for neural sentiment analysis for Modern Hebrew. For more information, and for attribution, please refer to Amram, A., Ben-David, A., and ...
Holocaust History and the Readings of Ka-Tzetnik ... Studies in Israeli and Modern Jewish Society [Iyunim Betekumat Israel] 23 (2013):176-203 [in Hebrew].