Across the world, millions suffer from high cholesterol and heart disease ... diverting towards easily available junk food.
He says the tantalising dish might just be "the best" option for slashing "decreasing your risk of coronary heart disease". The nutrition virtuoso is the author of 'The Healthy Keto Plan' and is ...
Embracing the Med style of eating has been linked to weight loss, heart health ... check out this seven-day meal plan to ...
Background Clinicians hesitate to engage with advance care planning (ACP) in heart failure. We aimed to identify the disease-specific barriers and facilitators for clinicians to engage with ACP.
The NHS Long Term Plan identifies cardiovascular disease as a clinical priority and the single biggest condition where lives can be saved by the NHS over the next 10 years. The Plan sets the ambition ...
This week’s menu is full of heart-smart meals. The good news: You’ve already got a head start against heart disease by cooking most meals at home. Those who cook more meals at home are more ...
The DASH diet, which stands for Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension, is exactly what its name implies: An eating plan meant to ... risk of hypertension and heart disease in people over time.