動物病院などで耳にすることも多い「療法食」。どのようなフードなのか。種類や選び方、正しい購入方法など…知っているようで知らない療法食について「ねこのきもち」獣医師相談室の獣医師に聞いてみました! ねこのきもち獣医師相談室って?
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how a person's body processes sugar, and is often linked with a diet that ...
Dr Joseph Salhab, known as "The Stomach Doc", shared a video to his TikTok page showing what he eats in a day to keep his gut ...
Moving away from meat to plants as a main source of protein will do wonders for your heart, new research finds.The 30-y ...
Health experts have rejected the common belief that drinking water with meals can 'dilute' your digestive enzymes, while also ...
Food insecurity is a significant public health concern that disproportionately affects marginalized communities, contributing ...