Brand New Stonestar Livestock Cattle Trailer 45 Ton ATM EBS Brakes LED Light Jost King pin and Landing Leg K Hitch Axle and Airbag Suspension Raise Lower Valve LED Light Stonestar Mudflaps All Safety ...
The study compared four different hay feeder designs: cone ring trailer cradle. All feeder designs resulted in similar cow intakes; however, the amount of hay wasted was different between designs. The ...
When given free choice access, cattle waste a significant amount of the hay available. Round bale feeders are a staple of feeding hay, but producers should consider limiting access to the feeders to ...
7 metres in length. Winch. Designed to winch feeders on to trailer and transport to various locations. Benabilla Certified. Located The Marra, NSW.... Introducing the brand new Stonestar Livestock ...
Hay is the foundation of feeding livestock in periods of forage dormancy. The majority of hay is packaged in the form of a big round bale. Low labor requirement and little need for feeding ...