In this animated short, director Peter Foldès depicts one man’s descent into greed and gluttony. Rapidly dissolving and ever-evolving images create a contrast between abundance and want. One of the ...
"It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" is a classic, but there are tons of other fantastic family Halloween movies to watch, too. Everybody scream, everybody scream, in our town of Halloween! If you ...
Jack Skellington, king of Halloween Town, discovers Christmas Town, but his attempts to bring Christmas to his home causes confusion. There is something of a controversy over exactly who has the ...
Spooky season is here, and nothing will get you in a festive mood like a great horror film where the characters themselves are celebrating Halloween. From slashers to anthologies to a ...
Halloween movies have been spooking and delighting ... Tim Burton's stop-motion masterpiece revolutionized animation when it debuted in 1993, proving that children's movies could tackle complex ...
While there are tons of exciting activities to spend the night, snuggling under your sheets to watch a Halloween movie hits differently. While we love a super-spooky thriller, sometimes we want to ...