God of War is an action-adventure game franchise created by David Jaffe and developed by Sony's Santa Monica Studio. It began in 2005 on the PlayStation 2 (PS2) video game console and has become a ...
2005’s God of War was a massive success and Barlog was eager to continue the franchise. He decided to serve as the director and story writer of its sequel, God of War 2, giving fans another ...
Kratos is back in a new God of War! Check out everything we think of Sony's new mega-production in the world of games. Most recent Most Read Apps Science and Technology Comparatives Critics Culture ...
Fans are craving for more of PlayStation's top franchise that centers on ancient mythology, especially as it is coming from the iconic release of 'God of War: Ragnarok" which saw critical acclaim ...
Spread the loveFrom Myth to Legend When Sony Santa Monica introduced Kratos in 2005’s “God of War,” they created more than ...
New Time, New Place - Set in the pre-Viking era known as the Migration Period, God of War takes place in a time of magic and mystery. Here, legendary gods and heroes regularly interact with humans and ...
God of War's Baldur is one of the series' most complex antagonists, and future games would be remiss not to utilize a similar ...
The man behind Kratos has shut down rumours that he will announce something about the future of the franchise in the next ...
Force be with you Wikipedia may the force be with you From the Star Wars film franchise, in which "the Force" is an omnipresent energy that can influence ...
God of War fans have had their hopes dashed following a recent tease that seemed to indicate new announcements related to the ...