Yes - free (as in beer) and also open source (MIT ... At a minimum, the ignition switch should be turned to provide electricity. Another possibility is that the OBD2 connection is not properly mated.
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Here’s your chance to win a TopDon TopScan OBD2 Scanner, the tool that transforms your smartphone into a dynamic scan tool that travels with you, offering more than just the basics. Simply ...
The automotive industry has a huge variety of OBD2 scanners that come in a wide range of price tags starting from less ...
OBD2ポートのBMW対応です。 ノンターボ車輛にも対応しております。 価格84000円税別 工賃無料です。 興味のある方はお気軽にお問合せ下さい。
An opensource solution for connecting OBD2 straight to a Nissan Leaf battery. Very useful gadget to have if you're thinking about buying a battery and want to check ...