SPI Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM). Read/write endurance for each memory slot : 10^13 cycles and more. Supports 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K, 1M and 2M chips. These memories chips can work up to ...
Which is almost indefinite when compared to Flash (10 5 for NOR Flash) and EEPROM. I2C FRAM chips (8-pin) are currently available in sizes from 4 kb (0.5 kB) to 1 Mb (128 kB). The size is called ...
As a result, systems designers need to make some difficult decisions about how much nonvolatile memory (MRAM, ReRAM, FRAM, or PCM) to put onto the chip, and how much SRAM to use to cache this new ...
I am using TMS28015 SPI to read and write to FRAM memory. The TMS28015 is set as a Master using /SPISTE as /CS(chip select). A FRAM read requires that /CS remain low for 16 bits of opcode info + 16 ...