Sushi usually tops the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy, but don’t count it out entirely just yet. While no type of ...
Here are five foods that must be in your diet according to Health Line: Sweet Potatoes Pregnant women are advised to increase their Vitamin A intake by 40%. Sweet potatoes are enriched with beta ...
Liver: Dieticians recommend that pregnant women (and women planning to become pregnant) do not eat liver and liver products including pate during pregnancy. This is because liver can contain very ...
This information is consistent with the NHS advice. With a few exceptions, pregnant women should follow the same healthy and varied diet that’s recommended to everyone. Eat plenty of fruit and ...
New research finds a pervasive low-quality diet among pregnant and postpartum individuals, reflecting 'an urgent need for widespread improvement.' ...
Vitamin B 1 is required to help the release of energy from food, important as a mother's energy requirements increase during pregnancy. This happens particularly during the last three months ...