To get the most benefit, you should not eat, drink, or rinse your mouth for at least 30 minutes after using the solution. Dosage is based on age and the amount of fluoride in your drinking water.
To get the most benefit, you should not eat, drink, or rinse your mouth for at least 30 minutes after using the solution. Dosage is based on age and the amount of fluoride in your drinking water.
your dentist might suggest using a prescription mouth rinse with fluoride or a prescription strength toothpaste with fluoride. These products usually have a higher concentration of fluoride than ...
You might already know that it’s not a great idea to rinse your mouth out after brushing your teeth, as this banishes ...
Japan began a similar school-based fluoride mouth-rinse program in 1970 which has since expanded to nurseries around the country. Research has found that these fluoride mouth-rinse programs are ...